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Minimum and common criteria for 'green claims' in the EU

On 22 March 2023, the European Commission published its proposal on green claims.

The proposal sets minimum requirements and common criteria for the substantiation and communication of 'green claims' by companies.

According to the proposal, when companies choose to use a green claim for their products or services, they will have to comply with minimum requirements on how they justify and communicate these claims, including third party verification and science-based substantiation.

The Directive differs substantially from the leaked version of January 2023 as the language used is less binding and the method of calculating the environmental footprint of products (EFP) is no longer at the centre of the text.

The Green Claims Directive proposal will now be subject to the approval of the European Parliament and of the Council.

A public consultation has been launched. Stakeholders can provide feedback by 19 May 2023.

Read more here.


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