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Environment & Chemicals

The European Commission’s new Green Deal illustrates the increasing role of the EU in all legislation affecting the environment. A wide body of legislation already exists and more is yet to come. Under this competence, the EU has already passed legislation aimed at improving air quality, tackling noise and air pollution, setting standards and targets for waste and regulating all chemical substances. 


As a result, economic operators have been under increasing pressure to comply with constantly changing regulations and complex technical standards. The EU is also currently pushing for a stronger and more circular economy to ensure resource efficiency is maximised and this will have a significant impact on all economic operators inside and outside of Europe. In addition to the effects on the environment, the EU is also increasing its regulation limiting substances that have an adverse effect on human (workers) health.


Our consultants have an in-depth working knowledge of the EU’s environmental and natural resource policy frameworks, as well as experience advocating on a variety of issues, including:


  • REACH – your counsel for anything from substance evaluation to socio economic analysis; dealing with research groups and politicians; dealing with the regulators in capitals, Brussels and Helsinki.

  • Worker Protection – helping you to advocate realistic occupational exposure levels; implementation of best practices and assessment; developing good working relations in Brussels, Bilbao and capitals

  • Circular economy – helping you advocating policies on waste, recycling, substitution, resource efficiency, raw materials and processes affecting the regulation of substances.


On behalf of our clients we participate in high-level working groups and help educate policy-makers through our MEP Interest Groups. We are also actively involved in the current institutional negotiations on the circular economy, as well as actively pursuing the aim of ensuring that all decisions are based on the best available science. Our team is therefore able to offer you expert advice and help you stay abreast of the various developments in this sector. 


  • Counselling on regulatory issues; REACH, OELs, raw materials strategies, waste regulations, et al.

  • Defining EU Public Affairs strategies; involving both European institutions as well as national bodies

  • Arranging meetings with decision makers at European and national level

  • Issue management

  • Consortium management

  • Representing clients before European institutions and bodies

  • Country fact sheets

  • Training on dealing with the EU

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